Friday, January 13, 2012

An Introduction

Hello all and welcome to my blog! This is my first one ever so we'll have to see how this goes. Now you're probably wondering what this blog is about. So let me tell you. No, there is too much, let me summarize. For as long as I can remember, I've always like trivia, but I never wrote it down or told so I don't remember much of it. But I would love to share off this trivial information with someone, but no one else I know would even be interested in it. So I bring it to you, the world wide web.
Now, as to what kind of trivia, you may ask. I have decide it's going to primarily about my three favorite things. History, food and writing.
For history it'll just be random facts that I find interesting, or things that I didn't know but everyone else did and I'm just now finding it out.
For food, again, pretty much just random. Though, on days I feel
ambitious, you may get a delicious recipes that my mum has recently cooked. And trust me, anything she cooks is wonderful.
Now for the last, but certainly my favorite, writing. Now, be warned, I am a writer of fantasy. Some days I may just go off on something that has to do with writing, or something about something a character did. So yeah, this one may not be so much trivia.
But may it be known, this blog will be filled with trivia.

Here's a little tidbit.  

Over the past year I've discovered a lot about writing and books in general. But the reasons why people love to read is what fascinate me the most. Most people love to read books, and some don't know why. They may say it's the characters or the landscapes, or maybe the plots. But really, deep down, people love to see good win. In most adventure stories you read, good is almost always out numbered. The main characters go through horrible things that most of us could hardly imagine going through ourselves. But somehow, no matter how tough it gets, good always wins and evil loses. And if a person can over come so much evil, surely the reader can over come their small evil.